Kaluga is a Russian city, located on the left bank of the Oka River. The city was founded
in 1371. The unique monuments of its architecture and culture are of great value to
Russia, being of tourists' interest. Kaluga is a part of the 'Small Golden Ring of Russia'.
Kaluga is one of the most beautiful old cities of Russia. Before the fifties our town had
been attracting the attention of the regional ethnographers, local specialists of our
history and of some historians of art. Kaluga is nearly 650 years old now.
The recollection of all the historical events and outstanding people, somehow connected
with our region, are reflected in the history of Kaluga.
Kaluga is a city of Russian classicism which has a lot of architectural monuments of
federal importance. Magnificent churches, Gostiny Dvor trading rows (late 18 - early
19th centuries), cosy Kupecheskie Mansions, Korobkovs Chambers (the late 17th
century, now a museum), Khlustinskie Charity Premises (the early 19th century) and a
unique Stone Bridge “Roman Viaduk” in the centre of Russia, which has been connecting
the sloaps of Bereuesky Ravine and Prisutctvennie Mesta. Municipal museums include
the Natural History Museum, the Fine Arts Museum and Tsiolkovsky Museum.
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It is important to tell about one more attraction such as the St. George's Cathedral.
This is a beautiful old church, the first time mentioned in 1685. One of the most
important temples, located in the Central Park of Culture, is the Trinity Cathedral.
Another name of it is 'The Heart of the City', because it's located in the heart of Kaluga.
It was Catherine II who ordered to build this temple in 1786.
Our city has a great history connected with the events of the defeat of Tartar yoke.
Dmitry Donskoy, tzar Ivan III, Ivan Bolotnikov, Lzedmitry II, Marina Mnishek,
CatherineII, decembrists Basenkov, Obolensky were here. The city was devastated and
ruined by the enemies, but it was revived and rebuilt from scratch.
Pushkin used to visit Kaluga; Gogol, Derzavin, Belinsky and Aksakov liked walking along
the streets of our patriarchal town. Thanks to K.E.Tsiolkovsky, an outstanding Russian
space scientist, Kaluga has become a well-known city all over the world.
Welcome to Old Kaluga, the cradle of cosmonautics!
Travel agency”Vokrug Sveta” has been organizing tours in Kaluga and region for 19
years yet. We have made more than 20 variants of programs for you! These are brief
excursion programs (on weekends), some special tours, entertainment folk programs,
hunting, fishing, pilgrimage tours and many other interesting things!
Our agency can organize every tour you want. These include individual excursions in
foreign languages, different hotels, dealing with our agency, lease of banquet hall and
You can book transport, guide, hotel, meals, banquets etc. in our travel agency.
You can send your applications to this e-mail: